Blog Spot 

Performance Appraisals that Don’t Suck Jun 05, 2024

When I worked for a large company, May was the new fiscal year and preceding this were performance appraisals. And I always hated the performance appraisal time of year. To be clear, I have no problem giving feedback. I just hate receiving it.


I absolutely loathe being evaluated in any...

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Get that New Year’s Day Feeling Whenever You Want It! Jun 05, 2024

If you are the type of person who sets big-ass goals in January and then finds yourself puttering out in February or April, this is for you, frand!

In a world where time, and specifically motivation, feels like a scarce resource, and fresh starts feel like they are only reserved for January, it...

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Who are you working for, really? Jun 05, 2024

If you were born in the 1900's you may remember the show “Who’s the Boss?”… But I am not here to talk about Judith Light and Tony Danza. I am here to ask you a few questions.

Who is the boss in your life?

To whom are you accountable?

 If you mess up, who are you "oh...

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The Most Common Mistake Jul 15, 2023

To listen to the podcast version of this content, click here.

The most common mistake you are making is thinking that you need others to give you opportunities/change/growth. There I said it.

Let’s dive in deeper.

 I want to start with talking about where change comes from in our...

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How to get what you want Jul 08, 2023

Listen to the podcast, here for more flavor in your ear.

The title of this blog may have you expecting a step-by-step process on how to increase your salary 5%, or get a C in front of your title. And while this content will surely help you do that, my advice for you is quite simple.

When you...

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Your Calendar is your Currency Jun 02, 2023

Want to hear my voice? Listen to the podcast here.

Do you remember that Hootie and the Blowfish song that goes “time, why you punish me.” I do. Don’t judge me or guess my age, we are here to talk about you today and how you spend your time.

And a lot of you treat time, a...

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How you know if you are successful May 27, 2023

To listen to the podcast on this topic, click here.

Sometimes it is obvious if we are succeeding because we get proof. We get a promotion. We get an increase in salary. We get a great performance appraisal. We get a nice complement. And those things can feel really good, but what about when...

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Self- Strategy May 19, 2023

Check out the podcast on this topic here and I can talk at you!

If you are in any type of work at a corporation (profit or non), you are likely talking about strategy and thinking about strategy, even for those of you who work for companies that have no strategy. You are still talking often about...

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How to Network- Part 2 Apr 29, 2023

Now that you’re over the hump of Networking being cringe-y, it’s time to approach it like the boss that you are.

Here are my 5 steps for networking your way to growth. And if you want more where this came from, sign up for my email list and get the free networking guide...

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You’re Enough as You Are Apr 23, 2023

Check out the podcast on this topic here.

I am not God, but here is what I know.


There is nothing you can do or say or achieve to make you more worthy or less worthy. You are undeniably worthy. Your worth is constant.  You are as worthy to do what you want as everyone on this...

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How to network-Part 1 Apr 22, 2023

You hate to network, but you need to network. It’s like medicine and will help you.

Networking is often the most underutilized and underrated action one can take to broaden his or her perspective, extend one’s personal brand and connect to others in a meaningful way. A few years ago,...

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How to think about Failure Apr 07, 2023

Check out the podcast on this topic here.

Go into that old closet that you have in your brain that tells you that you need to know all the answers and get straight A’s to prove you are a success. Then when you find that closet, I want you to pour a gallon of gasoline on it and...

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