How to Get Motivated
Jun 14, 2024Don't you love the feeling of being motivated? Who doesn’t?
But it's funny, I am running a test group to pilot my group coaching program that is launching soon (get on the wait list by emailing [email protected]), and a lot of the women in the group are saying " I know what to do, but I just can't get motivated."
So here you go, here's the answer to your question- how do I get motivated to (fill in the blank).
Rule number one: Stop thinking that motivation is outside of you--like it's a winning lottery ticket or a BOGO from your favorite lip care brand.
Motivation is something you create-- not something you "get." As you know, I am always focusing on the way you talk to yourself and how you think, because if you can change your thinking, you change your life.
But the statement "I can't get motivated" tells you right there that you assume that motivation is something that sits outside of you. Like you can purchase a 3-class pass to motivation city and you will bask in the glory of the energy, excitement and focus that comes when you are motivated.
The truth is you create motivation. Motivation is a feeling and the way to feel motivated is to think and believe thoughts that inspire us to feel energized and enthusiastic about what it is we are trying to ultimately go do.
Rule number two: Motivation is tied to values.
Values are your fundamental beliefs that guide you and ultimately inspire your behaviors. And values are ultimately a reflection of your what you think you need. They are 100% up to your brain to determine. The more you connect to your values, the greater you will experience the feeling of motivation.
I am going to use an example of a friend of mine. She is brilliantly creative. She has this eye for design and loves to tinker with creative projects for her home. She kept saying that she felt that she could not get motivated to clean up and organize her closet. She has this big, beautiful, well-designed home that she has essentially transformed and her closet is a hot mess. When we examined this issue further, we were able to unpack that she values fun and she values creativity and that is why she was an ace at re-designing and re-upholstering anything in her home.
However, when it came to the task of her closet, she did not think about the value of fun and creativity. She was putting this action on the back-burner because she affiliated the activities under the value of order. And the value of order was not something that really got her jumping into that closet with donation bags and shelf organizers. She doesn't care about order enough to create it.
So, if you are not feeling motivated to (fill in the blank), think about how you are classifying the action you are putting off. You could be classifying the area under a value that doesn't really matter to you. What if instead of classifying the closet cleaning and organizing with order, my creative friend started thinking about organizing her closet as a way of caring for those chic ass clothes and accessories she has-- creating space for the things she loves and visual joy? When we started talking about her closet in those sexy, aesthetic terms, she turned blah into awe.
Rule number three: Motivation comes from Motion
Motivation is a feeling, and our feelings come from our thinking, but action will also help stoke that fire. So if you are aware of your power to create motivation, and you know that you are aligning what you need to do with your values, then you just need to get some sparks.
It's like that saying an object at rest stays at rest (The first law of motion by Newton which makes me think of delish fig newtons) … I did not feel motivated to write this today, however when I realized that it is aligned to my value of creativity and my love of coaching and helping, the task became more attractive. And then I decided to give it 10 minutes of my time. And 10 turned into 40 and now I am almost done with this here piece.
So motivation is created on the inside, and once you put one step in front of the other, it is easier to continue moving forward. You will start to see progress and maybe even get a little dopamine hit by accomplishing something-- no matter how small. And that little hit of pleasure, of satisfaction, is what creates more motivation so that you fan those flames.
First comes the motion, then the motivation. And the motion may be a little boring, but it is your important bridge to the feeling you want. It's true of anything, really, First you have to go through TSA, then you arrive at the beach. First you go to work, then you collect the pay. First you turn on the oven, then you eat the pizza. It's the action and the reaction. Get it? Got it? Now move.
Personally, I think you should schedule your motivation time. Please hold your laughter. But seriously--when can you book 10 minutes to put your running shoes on and walk outside? Who knows, 10 could turn into 20!
Rule number four: Motivation requires maintenance.
I know, like you need one more thing to manage. You already have a full-time job, a full-time family and a car that needs serviced and a bikini line to tend. But I am telling you, Boo, if you've gone to all this trouble to start the work, than have enough badassery to finish. Here are some ways to help you stay the course:
Create a statement that supports your after-burn action and treat it like a mantra and contract.
Examples are: I will spend 5 minutes on my closet creativity before I go to bed.
I will put my running shoes on when I take my work bag off.
I will write for 10 minutes on Saturday morning.
Ensure your environment is supporting your change.
If you want to create motivation to eat healthy foods, perhaps a fruit bowl over a candy jar is a great idea.
If you want to be more present with your kids, perhaps set a timer on social apps.
Track your progress.
No one loves checking a box like I do. Seeing progress visually helps remind you how far you've come and it is so satisfying to get a sticker!
Buy yourself presents.
Or do something nice for yourself like a hot bath or listen to your favorite podcast, which I hope is my podcast. When you reward yourself you will reinforce positive changes that last.
Now let's create some motivation!
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